Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rhetorical Analysis Reflection

I enjoyed this assignment because in my everyday life when I watch movies I critique the movies I watch. This assignment allowed me to use my critiquing skills with my academic background knowledge. The biggest challenge I had writing the rhetorical analysis was critiquing one element even though my overall statement was that the rhetoric was strong. I found it hard because I thought I was contradicting myself because if the movie was a strong piece of rhetoric then why would one element be weak? I found it to be a challenge to find the actual purpose of the movie and then relate the rhetorical elements back to it but in the end I think I did okay. Another challenge I faced while writing this paper was I was not interested in my movie. When I watched it the first time I fell asleep, and I had to re-watch it. I should have changed mine to something that I had more interest in like Food Inc. but I stuck with my movies so I had to deal with the challenges that came with my movie. Overall, the assignment was easy to understand and the directions were clear. I also liked that from the beginning we had choices. You gave us 4 movie choices as opposed to jus giving the class as a whole one movie to critique. I also liked the peer review we had with classmate who picked the same movies as us because it gave me a different viewpoint on the movie. In the future I would teach this the same way. I felt like the pace was good and we took steps to get to our final draft. The individual conferences are helpful and offer insight into what you really was out of this paper. This assignment is a good way to start the semester off. 

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